Real-time Scoring Techniques are used to understand intent or to generate attention profiles. You can set base rules to profile a certain behavior; You can create segments like Coupon-averse people or Brand-loyal people or Maximize-rs and then allow the machine to stage customers to a relevant segment and target accordingly
The highlight of this integration was the ability to get tags like colors and patterns. Using object extraction algorithms, color and patterns were identified from the visitor behavioral journey (from pages/images viewed in the past on website, mobile app or email) and tagged back to the user. So this gives us the option to sort and recommend products based on color and pattern tags
Using third party facial recognition APIs, businesses can take customer experience to the next level. For customers who have signed with camera opt-in, can be served better, using expression related data parameters, which helps in determining the emotion of the user at the time of browsing. We can customize the model to learn from a sequence of expressions in real-time and personalize messages